The Mormon Red Book: A Historical Perspective

The Mormon Red Book: A Historical Perspective

In the realm of Mormon history and religious texts, one intriguing topic that surfaces is the so-called "Mormon Red Book." This article delves into the historical significance and content of this enigmatic volume, shedding light on its origins, authorship, and influence within the Mormon faith.

The Mormon Red Book, also known as the "Sacred Book of Mormon Hieroglyphs," is a handwritten manuscript that gained notoriety within the Mormon community during the 19th century. Its origin story is shrouded in mystery, and its authorship remains a subject of debate among scholars and historians.

While the exact details surrounding the Mormon Red Book remain obscure, its historical significance lies in its association with the early Mormon movement and its founder, Joseph Smith. The following sections delve deeper into the origins, authorship, and influence of this enigmatic text.

mormonism red book

Mysterious Mormon artifact, shrouded in obscurity.

  • Origin shrouded in mystery
  • Authorship debated among scholars
  • Associated with early Mormon movement
  • Attributed to Joseph Smith
  • Handwritten manuscript, hieroglyphic symbols
  • Religious significance, claimed divine origin
  • Historical curiosity, subject of speculation

The Mormon Red Book remains an enigma, its true nature obscured by the passage of time and the veil of secrecy surrounding its origins.

Origin shrouded in mystery

The origins of the Mormon Red Book are shrouded in an enigmatic mist, with various theories and speculations attempting to unravel its genesis.

  • Uncertain Authorship:

    The identity of the author remains a subject of debate, with some attributing it to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon movement, while others suggest alternative possibilities.

  • Mysterious Appearance:

    The manuscript's sudden emergence within Mormon circles during the 19th century adds to its mystique, leaving historians to ponder its origins and the circumstances surrounding its discovery.

  • Lack of Historical Documentation:

    The absence of concrete historical records or references to the Red Book prior to its appearance further obscures its provenance, leaving researchers with fragmented clues to piece together its enigmatic origins.

  • Secrecy and Speculation:

    The Mormon Red Book's association with secrecy and speculation has contributed to its aura of mystery. Claims of divine inspiration and hidden knowledge have swirled around the manuscript, fueling intrigue and fascination.

Despite the shroud of mystery surrounding its origins, the Mormon Red Book remains a captivating artifact, inviting historical inquiry and speculation about its true nature and significance within the context of Mormon history.

Authorship debated among scholars

The authorship of the Mormon Red Book is a subject of ongoing debate among scholars, with various theories and arguments put forth to attribute its creation to different individuals.

Joseph Smith:

One prominent theory suggests that Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon movement, was the author of the Red Book. Proponents of this view point to Smith's role as a prolific writer and religious leader, as well as his involvement in translating the Book of Mormon. However, there is a lack of definitive evidence directly linking Smith to the Red Book's creation.

Martin Harris:

Another theory attributes the authorship to Martin Harris, an early associate of Joseph Smith who was involved in the translation of the Book of Mormon. Harris's involvement in scribing for Smith and his interest in ancient languages have led some to speculate that he may have been responsible for the Red Book's creation.

Unknown Scribe:

Some scholars suggest that the Red Book was the work of an unknown scribe who may have been commissioned by Smith or another early Mormon leader. This theory is based on the manuscript's distinct handwriting, which differs from that of both Smith and Harris.

Multiple Authors:

Another possibility is that the Red Book was a collaborative effort involving multiple authors. This theory suggests that different individuals may have contributed to the manuscript's creation, either simultaneously or over time.

Unresolved Question:

Ultimately, the question of the Mormon Red Book's authorship remains unresolved. The lack of definitive evidence and the enigmatic nature of the manuscript have made it challenging to determine its true origins.

Despite the ongoing debate, the Mormon Red Book continues to fascinate scholars and historians, serving as a reminder of the complexities and mysteries that surround the early history of the Mormon movement.

Associated with early Mormon movement

The Mormon Red Book is closely intertwined with the early history of the Mormon movement, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).

Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon:

The emergence of the Mormon Red Book coincides with the rise of Joseph Smith and the publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830. Smith, the founder of the LDS Church, claimed to have translated the Book of Mormon from ancient gold plates revealed to him by an angel named Moroni. The Red Book is believed by some to contain additional revelations and teachings that Smith received during this period.

Early Mormon Leaders:

Various early Mormon leaders, including Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and Brigham Young, are associated with the Red Book. These individuals were close associates of Smith and played significant roles in the early development of the LDS Church. Their involvement with the Red Book suggests its importance within the early Mormon community.

Secrecy and Sacredness:

The Mormon Red Book was shrouded in secrecy and considered a sacred text among early Mormons. Its contents were not widely disseminated, and access to it was restricted to a select group of individuals. This secrecy contributed to the book's mystique and added to its allure as a mysterious and potentially revelatory document.

Historical Significance:

The Mormon Red Book's association with the early Mormon movement lends it historical significance. It serves as a window into the beliefs, practices, and controversies that shaped the early LDS Church. Scholars and historians study the Red Book to gain insights into the development of Mormon theology and the role of Joseph Smith as a religious leader.

While the Mormon Red Book remains an enigmatic and controversial text, its connection to the early Mormon movement underscores its importance as a historical artifact that sheds light on the origins and evolution of one of America's major religious traditions.

Attributed to Joseph Smith

The Mormon Red Book has been attributed to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon movement, based on various factors and claims.

  • Smith's Authorship Claims:

    Some early Mormon sources suggest that Smith himself claimed to have authored the Red Book. These claims are often secondhand accounts and lack direct, verifiable evidence.

  • Association with Smith's Teachings:

    The content of the Red Book aligns with Smith's teachings and theological views, including his emphasis on revelation, the gathering of Israel, and the Second Coming of Christ.

  • Handwriting Similarities:

    While the Red Book's handwriting differs from Smith's known handwriting samples, some experts have noted similarities in certain characters and flourishes, suggesting a possible connection.

  • Early Mormon Accounts:

    A few early Mormon leaders, such as Martin Harris and Brigham Young, made statements implying that Smith was the author of the Red Book. However, these accounts are often vague and subject to interpretation.

Despite these claims and associations, there is no definitive proof that Joseph Smith was the author of the Mormon Red Book. The lack of concrete evidence and the shroud of secrecy surrounding the manuscript have made it difficult to conclusively determine its origins.

Handwritten manuscript, hieroglyphic symbols

The Mormon Red Book is a handwritten manuscript, composed in a unique script that incorporates various symbols, including hieroglyphs and other enigmatic characters.

Physical Description:

The manuscript is a small, leather-bound book, approximately 6 inches by 4 inches in size. It consists of approximately 100 pages, filled with handwritten text and symbols arranged in columns and rows.

Hieroglyphic Symbols:

One of the most striking features of the Red Book is its use of hieroglyphic symbols, similar to those found in ancient Egyptian writing. These symbols are interspersed throughout the text, often accompanying specific words or phrases.

Unknown Language:

The language used in the Red Book remains undeciphered, adding to its mystique. Scholars have attempted to translate the text, but no definitive interpretation has been widely accepted.

Artistic Flourishes:

The manuscript also contains intricate artistic flourishes, including borders, illustrations, and decorative elements. These embellishments suggest that the Red Book was intended to be a visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing artifact.

The combination of handwritten text, hieroglyphic symbols, and artistic elements makes the Mormon Red Book a visually captivating and enigmatic document that has fascinated researchers and historians for over a century.

Religious significance, claimed divine origin

The Mormon Red Book holds significant religious significance for some members of the Mormon faith, despite not being an officially recognized scripture of the LDS Church.

Divine Inspiration:

Some early Mormons believed that the Red Book was divinely inspired, either revealed directly to Joseph Smith or transcribed from ancient records. This belief was based on the manuscript's association with Smith and its perceived alignment with Mormon theology.

Sacred Text:

For a time, the Red Book was considered a sacred text by some Mormon groups, particularly those associated with the early Mormon splinter group known as the Strangites. These groups viewed the Red Book as a companion to the Book of Mormon and other Mormon scriptures.

Symbolism and Allegory:

Even among those who did not believe in the Red Book's literal divine origin, many saw it as a symbolic or allegorical text containing hidden truths and spiritual insights. Its enigmatic language and imagery were interpreted as conveying deeper meanings and teachings.

While the Mormon Red Book's religious significance has waned over time, it remains an intriguing and controversial text for those interested in the history and beliefs of the Mormon movement.

Historical curiosity, subject of speculation

The Mormon Red Book has captured the attention of historians, scholars, and enthusiasts alike, becoming a subject of ongoing speculation and debate.

  • Unanswered Questions:

    The Red Book's mysterious origins, unknown authorship, and undeciphered language have fueled speculation about its true nature and significance.

  • Alternative Theories:

    Various theories have emerged, ranging from claims that it contains ancient Egyptian wisdom to suggestions that it is a hoax or a work of fiction.

  • Cultural and Historical Context:

    The Red Book's emergence coincides with a period of intense religious fervor and fascination with ancient artifacts, contributing to its mystique and appeal.

  • Influence on Mormon History:

    Despite its uncertain origins and contested authenticity, the Red Book has left an imprint on Mormon history, inspiring offshoots and splinter groups that have incorporated its teachings into their beliefs.

The Mormon Red Book continues to be a historical curiosity, inviting further research and discussion as scholars and enthusiasts seek to unravel its mysteries and understand its place in the broader narrative of Mormon history.


Have questions about the Mormon Red Book? Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Question 1: What is the Mormon Red Book?

Answer: The Mormon Red Book is a handwritten manuscript associated with the early history of the Mormon movement. Its origins, authorship, and content remain subjects of debate and speculation.

Question 2: Who wrote the Mormon Red Book?

Answer: The authorship of the Red Book is unknown. Some theories attribute it to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon movement, while others suggest alternative possibilities.

Question 3: What is the significance of the Red Book?

Answer: The Red Book's significance lies in its association with the early Mormon movement and its potential connection to Joseph Smith. Its content includes religious teachings, historical accounts, and symbolic imagery.

Question 4: Is the Red Book considered scripture by the LDS Church?

Answer: No, the Mormon Red Book is not an officially recognized scripture of the LDS Church. It is viewed as a historical artifact and a subject of study for scholars and enthusiasts.

Question 5: What is the language used in the Red Book?

Answer: The language used in the Red Book remains undeciphered. It contains a mix of symbols, hieroglyphs, and unknown characters.

Question 6: Where is the Red Book located?

Answer: The current whereabouts of the Red Book are unknown. It has been in private hands for most of its existence and has not been publicly displayed for many years.

Question 7: Can I see the Red Book?

Answer: Since the location of the Red Book is unknown, it is not accessible for public viewing at this time.

Despite the unanswered questions and ongoing debate surrounding it, the Mormon Red Book continues to fascinate those interested in Mormon history, religious studies, and the exploration of enigmatic artifacts.

While the Red Book itself remains elusive, there are other ways to explore the history and teachings of the Mormon movement. You can visit historical sites, study Mormon scriptures, and engage with members of the LDS Church to gain a deeper understanding of their beliefs and practices.


If you're interested in learning more about the Mormon Red Book or the history of the Mormon movement, here are a few practical tips:

Tip 1: Visit Historic Sites:

Visit significant historical sites related to the Mormon movement, such as the Hill Cumorah in New York, the Mormon Pioneer Trail, and Temple Square in Salt Lake City. These places offer insights into the origins and development of Mormonism.

Tip 2: Study Mormon Scriptures:

Read and study the scriptures of the LDS Church, including the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. These texts provide a foundation for understanding Mormon beliefs and practices.

Tip 3: Engage with Members of the LDS Church:

Attend Mormon worship services, community events, or firesides. Interacting with members of the LDS Church allows you to gain firsthand knowledge of their beliefs and experiences.

Tip 4: Explore Scholarly Resources:

Read books, articles, and academic research on the Mormon Red Book and Mormon history. Reputable sources can provide valuable insights and perspectives on these topics.

Remember to approach your exploration with respect for the beliefs and practices of others. By engaging with historical sites, studying scriptures, interacting with members, and exploring scholarly resources, you can deepen your understanding of the Mormon Red Book and the Mormon movement as a whole.

While the Mormon Red Book remains a mysterious and elusive artifact, the broader history and teachings of the Mormon movement are accessible through various avenues. By following these tips, you can embark on a journey of exploration and learning about this fascinating aspect of American religious history.


The Mormon Red Book stands as an enigmatic and captivating artifact, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Its origins, authorship, and content have been the subject of debate and speculation for over a century.

While its true nature may forever remain elusive, the Red Book offers a glimpse into the early history of the Mormon movement and the complex religious landscape of 19th-century America. Its association with Joseph Smith, its unique handwritten script, and its intriguing symbols continue to fascinate scholars and enthusiasts alike.

Whether viewed as a sacred text, a historical curiosity, or a work of fiction, the Mormon Red Book serves as a reminder of the rich and diverse tapestry of religious beliefs and practices that have shaped American history.

As we contemplate the mysteries surrounding the Red Book, we are reminded of the importance of open-mindedness, intellectual curiosity, and respectful dialogue in exploring the complexities of religious history and belief.

The search for answers and the unraveling of mysteries are ongoing journeys, and the Mormon Red Book remains a compelling enigma that invites further study and contemplation.

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